Tuesday, July 10, 2012

THE SHIT - bonnie strange's new fashion label shows at berlin fashion week

my favorite girl wonder Bonnie Strange did it again - after establishing successful careers in photography, modeling and music, to only name a few, she now also launched her own fashion label with the ironic iconic name THE SHIT.

first there was only the idea to open a shop that would sell vintage clothing, after all Bonnie is famous for her incredible style and many, including me, would love to have a go-to place to find the type of styles she throws on. with the idea of the shop came the idea of a big opening party during fashion week and with that came the next idea: a fashion show!

within only a week Bonnie assembled an army of pink-haired mermaids who did not stop for one second and sewed up a brand-new collection that was shown at Alte Münze on saturday night. it's all a bit cray cray, totally trashy but in its own whackiness kind of awesome and definitely stuff that releases all sorts of happy feelings.

neon chased by rainbow colors, hearts, fake fur, leather, latex, crosses and bling - it was all there. the audience cheered loudly at each look that hit the runway and many people said afterwards that they have never attended a more fun and exciting fashion show.

highlight of it all was the kiss between the guy in the teeny black knickers and the bride who afterwards threw her bouquet into the cheering crowd before both walked off to 90's classic "no limits" by 2 Unlimited.

well done, Bonnie Strange and team - we look forward to what comes next!

by the way - THE SHIT designs will be available for purchase at the Shit Shop (Greifenhagener Str. 64 in Prenzlauer Berg. keep an eye on the Shit Shop Facebook page for the final opening date.

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Author & Editor

“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”

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