Sunday, December 2, 2012

camera review Canon IXUS 510HS part 2: keeping a low profile

over the past couple of weeks i've been introducing the new Canon IXUS 510HS, a powerhouse among point and shoot cameras which does an amazing job zooming in 12 times with very little loss of quality, producing wonderful colors and impressivle high definition to each photograph. another very particular advantage is its ability to transfer photos taken with the camera directly to the web, a computer or your phone simply by using a wifi connection. the latter is especially useful when you're out and about and you're dying to share a particular picture with your friends on facebook or twitter and you don't want to wait until you get home to show it off.

in this third part of my camera review i'd like to focus on another, maybe even 2 points i especially appreciate about the IXUS 510HS. i mentioned last time that the camera is quite strong in shooting in dimly lit settings, producing impressive results for such a small camera (with an automated ISO). combine that with a dinner full of internationally acclaimed guests and you get what i like to call an ideal private papparazzi cam.

this friday liberatum and monoqi set up a design summit at kino international in berlin where an incredibly well picked and top notch ensemble of speakers from around the world got together the night before the event to share a meal and get to know each other. speakers included arianne phillips, 2-time oscar award nominated costume designer of people like madonna, courtney love or lenny kravitz, richard saul wurman, founder of the TED talks and three generations of the (really very inspiring and admirable) missoni women - margerita, angela and rosita.

i wanted to document the evening, but i wanted to do it without taking out my massive camera and flash and risk making people feel insecure about the way they looked and acted or who they talked to. but still - all these amazing folks were in one place together and i wanted to keep a memory of it. no one noticed i was taking pictures with the compact, black IXUS 510HS and i got to capture a few lovely and candid moments that night.

i love any camera that can multi-task, is easy to navigate and lets me concentrate on what is happening rather than on pushing a ton of buttons before the photo will actually get taken. with the IXUS 510HS the only decision i need to make is whether i prefer flash or no flash, the rest is done automatically by the camera. i'm not saying it can replace my Canon 5D but it is definitely a great alternative for times when all you have space for in your clutch or pocket is a cigarette pack sized snapcam.

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Author & Editor

“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”

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