Friday, July 11, 2014

20 minutes of berlin fashion week - the Samsung Fashion Cool Downer

i'm now in my 6th year of living in berlin and if i remember correctly i've never missed a fashion week here. this summer though i'd have to make the exception as i just became a mom and a 2-week-old baby and fashion shows don't really go together all that well. the one thing baby does love, however, are strolls. Endless strolls in his buggy where he will relax and sleep through all the sirens and trucks we come by.

on one of our walks through the neighborhood we came by the pop-up event hosted by #INLAND yesterday, a store located at brunnenstraße 11, where a very "cool" new invention was presented to the fashion folk: a fridge that stores your fashion and beauty items.

the Samsung Food Showcase is the fanciest fridge on the market right now and a really smart one at that. it's full of innovation with a particular focus on the "outer case", a type of second door featuring large cases that were designed to fit a lady's fashion items such as expensive leather goods, beauty masks or nail polish. i'd try out leaving more of my makeup and purses in my fridge but i can't, because it wouldn't fit it!

at the end of the day though, a fridge with chilled drinks on a hot summer's evening is my kind of fridge, so vitaminwaters were drunk and Thomas Henry sodas were sipped while chatting with local fashionistas and looking through the considerable fashion collection one finds at the #INLAND store.

and baby? he was so impressed that he slept right through the whole thing. i can however report that his mom was happy to get a quick fashion break from strolling and a delightful 20-minute cool downer.

*powered by Samsung

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Author & Editor

“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”

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