Saturday, September 13, 2014

dress it up with wood

i love wood in just about every shape or form. as trees in the forest, bed frames, tables, floors, lamps, you get the gist. it just makes sense that i love incorporating it into my style as well. It all began with a wooden iphone cover i was given by a friend once. i was almost more upset about losing my pretty cover (it was a one off from a guy in south africa) than the iphone, which could be replicated easily.
i went online in search of wooden iphone covers and came across this one:

this cover by idryad is lovely, i think. it gives the boring shiny surface of the iphone a sturdy, yet elegant look and i feel like my phone is well protected by it as well. iryad also has a nice selection of different styles of cases. i'm not a huge fan of the rhinestone ones, but the all wooden covers are wonderful.

i enjoyed the idea of incorporating wood into my style as much as i do into my apartment so much that i decided to get a wooden watch as well:

an american company called jord produces these lovely watches that have a truly timeless appeal, i find. they go with different styles of dress and have some sort of wholesome appeal to them that i can't quite explain. 

now that i'm a new mom i couldn't help but rejoice when i discovered these be wooden bow ties for kids (modelled by my little munchkin):

admittedly, my little one is not quote ready to wear a bow-tie out just yet but when he is, i will be sure to dress him up in this one. the german guys behind be wooden also designed a handsome collection of man-sized bow-ties that i find an adorable gimmick to jazz up a studly plaid shirt look (ideally sporting a full beard as well) for a more lighthearted way to dress for say, a wedding or a summer party.

it's fun to accessorize with wood! also pretty nice can be wooden pens, sunglasses, bags (this one is amazing), umbrellas... oh the options!

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Author & Editor

“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”

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